Studio Visit August

“Man at rest in himself does not reckon with time; development must not reckon with times.”
— Etty Hillesum

Many thanks to those who shared their personal moments of happiness with me. I have added to the list in the online version of the newsletter. So you can go and check it out here!

This month I have been looking at developments and the time we allow ourselves for them.


Time is money

There is, after all, that saying, "Time is money", which urges workers to get as much done in as short a time as possible. Efficiency, productivity, these are the buzzwords of industrialisation and to this day they are drummed into us as the values of modern societies. Time is something valuable, but not in the sense of "time is money". Our life time is something valuable and no matter how long we have to live, our life time is short. Under the motto "time is money" we let ourselves be rushed through life, we take on more tasks at work than we can actually do.


Turning points

We want to be good, we want to be successful, we want to stand out from the crowd. And in the process we don't realise that we are losing the most valuable thing we have: our time of life. In all phases of life, it is worthwhile to reflect on what is really important and what fulfils us in life, what gives us joy, what brings us peace and insight. People often tell of turning points in their lives. It is not the successes, the great presentations, but an illness, a loss, an accident, an event that stops us in our fast course and makes us become quiet. Turning points are moments of stillness in the frenetic pace of life, where we become aware of how valuable our time of life is, every single minute of it. Resting in ourselves, developments can happen, sometimes very quickly.


To develop

That is why development is a process that happens outside of all time. It is not hurried. In terms of personal development, it doesn't matter if it takes two years or 20 years.

I also read something of self-forgetful doing in this sentence. When we are completely absorbed in something that interests us, we forget about time. We dive into another world, into another dimension. When we emerge again, we are amazed at how much time has passed, almost as if we had been lost in an enchanted forest.


watching an earthworm

In photography, to develop means: something becomes visible that was previously hidden, an image. Through development, something becomes visible in us that was latent but still hidden before. We uncover new layers within us, new layers of personality.

When are we developing human beings? In childhood when we spend endless patience watching a snail or an earthworm? Later in life, even into old age, can we connect with this childlike curiosity, with this childlike urge to explore? Forgetting everything we think we know about the world, not just quickly googling, but simply observing how the clouds gather and the rain falls.


In the studio

This lantern was a bit more of a challenge. It started with the construction of a scaffold onto which the paper had to be mounted. But now this object is also finished and will illuminate the long winter evenings with warm light.


What have you developed recently? What was the most important development in your life? What triggered it? If you like, you can write it to me: Mail

For me, the most important development was probably initiated by a depression. In therapy I learned a lot about myself. Even today I am glad that I know how to deal with difficult feelings.

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